Empire of the Son

by Tetsuro Shigematsu

Empire of the Son is Tetsuro’s personal story of his relationship with his father. Separated by a generation but connected by blood, Tetsuro and his father speak different languages and possess different values, but what ultimately keeps them apart is their similarities.


World premiere production: October 2015, by Vancouver Asian Canadian Theatre, presented by the Vancouver East Cultural Centre. Remount: Culture Lab at The Cultch, Nov. 1-13, 2016. Touring to Ottawa, Montreal and Toronto Dec. 2016 – Jan. 2017.

Artist Credits:

Writer/Performer – Tetsuro Shigematsu
Director/Original concept dramaturgy – Richard Wolfe
Dramaturg – Heidi Taylor
Media Design – Remi Sui
Sound Design/Original Composition – Steve Charles
Set Design – Pamela Johnson
Lighting Design – Gerald King
Producer – Donna Yamamoto
Stage manager – Susan Miyagashima
Apprentice stage Manager – Maria Zarillo
Props –
Costumes – Barbara Clayden